
How The Odin Project Made me a Software Developer

The Odin Project (TOP) is a such a marvelous, kind innitiative that intimitades you to begin. But, believe me, this project is real and it will make you a Fullstack Software Developer.

When I first joined TOP, I was just trying out things. I had priviously tried W3schools, FreeCodeCamp, but none of these worked until I met TOP. TOP gives you all basic requirements to become a Software developer. In fact, I have learned that Coding is just about 10% memorizing and 90% learning. When you join TOP you’ll learn how to learn programming faster. That’s how I got to learn Jekyll, which based in ruby even though I didn’t have good background in Ruby - neither Node Js.

The Odin Project (TOP) is a such a marvelous, kind innitiative that intimitades you to begin. But, believe me, this project is real.

When I first joined TOP, I was just trying out things. I had priviously tried W3schools, FreeCodeCamp, but none of these worked until I met TOP. TOP gives you all basic requirements to become a Software developer. In fact, I have learned that Coding is just about 10% memorizing and 90% learning. When you join TOP you’ll learn how to learn programming faster. That’s how I got to learn Jekyll, which based in ruby even though I didn’t have good background in Ruby - neither Node Js.